by Mike Caven
I encourage you to take a moment and pray before reading this page, ask our precious Holy Spirit, to protect you, to show you what He has for you to take away from what you are about to read.
I encourage my brothers who presently are ongingly viewing porn to read this article repeatedly until you clearly get it. You see and are aware of what is happening to you. It may take several readings before you are equipped to start dealing with what is going on in your mind, heart and imagination.
I write this from my own life’s journey, for me, I recall that porn was apart of my life from my earliest days. Before our Lord God brought me into his family, into his kingdom, I thought porn was “normal”.
Tragically, this sin activity with porn followed me into my Christian walk, I was slow to realize that the sin of the ongoing viewing of pornography has a curse that comes with it. My family suffered because of this addiction I had to porn. For me, the resolve was slow, yet, because of the slowness I was continuously hit with the different consequences with in my life, marriage, and family.
For me, I had unresolved issues like; unresolved unforgiveness, unbelief, pride, anger, rage, depression, all these also greatly affected my home environment.
And I am convinced that these issues in my life were enflamed by the pornography I was allowing within my spirit, soul, into my body. What I am saying is that this porn I was allowing into me was making these issues more intense. These unresolved issues were being strengthened, energized, by porn and porn was hooking deeper into me because I was allowing these issues to go unchecked in my heart.
I came to realize that our God remained faithful to His promises to me yet at the same time I was walking away and facing the consequences of my choices of the ongoing viewing of porn. Again, the consequences showing themselves within my marriage, my family, my home.
It was my God who clearly told me to clean up the mess I had made with this brokenness in my life. It was not easy breaking these influences. It was a blending of “The Fear of the Lord and His Grace.” He never intervened concerning the outcome of the consequences of the choices I made. I had to live with them.
I slowly began to understand the “fear of our LORD”, As C.S. Lewis said;
“The Fear of the LORD is Not Fear and Dread,
but Awe and Wonder!
So, as you move forward in understanding this article, look at it with what I call; “The Truths of Fear our God and Grace”. meaning; Move forward in your life, with the foundation of the Fear of our God in place and then by living in the Grace of our God.
Always realizing, that our God gives us total freedom to choose any sin we wish! Yet, with that we never get to choose the consequences for that sin.
A quote concerning how to do this is:
“Whether you Abuse God’s Grace or Refuse God’s Grace the Consequences are equal.”
On this website, under the category; “The Choice and the Challenge, Videos”, I have addressed “Lust”, (Desire or Lust, Which is It?”) Next, the topic of “Sexual Idolatry”, and then a teaching on Pornography. I suggest that these three teachings be studied first before the reading of this article.
In my lifetime, I have spent time with Christian guys in their final days, who were dying of STD’s. I have gone into prisons and visited with Christian guys who were there because they had broken the law, because of their out of control sex drive. I have counseled several Christian guys whom their marriages had ended in divorce impart because of their addiction to porn. Also, I have worked with untold numbers of Christian guys whose homelife was in a complete shambles, again, with the issue of porn in the mix (including myself). I write this article in hopes that Christian guys will open their eyes and see the potential destruction that porn has.
Be warned, I have been told this article “punches hard”, and has been called “dark”, because my focus is on the demonic concerning this issue of pornography. It is my conviction that in the viewing of pornography, yes, you open that door into your spiritual life and you become spiritually unclean. But what is vitally important is I clearly give the resolve within this website. Yes, I believe pornography is a tool used by spirits of perversion to gain entrance in a Christian guys life. To what degree are these evil spirits in the mix within a guys life? This I cannot answer, but if you are engaging in the viewing of porn, what I bring to the table is to let you know that somehow to some degree yes evil spirits are in play with it all.
Therefore, yes, my addressing these issues is very sobering yet it is clear that the path to controlling your sex drive is also clearly laid out again on this website.

Why have I written, or what is my “Goal,” in presenting this Article/Dirge (Poem) to you.
- That you are a spiritual being, with a soul and that you are temporarily living within your body. That, Lust and Porn causes you to become spiritually unclean and effects your spirit, soul, and body and your relationships.
- Another way of saying this is, that within the activity of embracing both Lust and Porn, you are potentially going to bed with demons which is entering a form of spiritual activity. And in opening that door, primarily through your eyes (things you are viewing.) and/or ears (things you were listening to.) example: watching and listening to Porn on your device. You are allowing images reinforced by sight, sounds and words into your heart, mind, and soul. You must come to realize these images reproduce after their kind.
- That bondage to Lust and Porn is very real and can be life controlling (again, I know this in the first person.)
- That it is just not the stopping of viewing Porn, that is the complete answer. The complete answer involves taking away any seductive power concerning the images within your heart and mind. If done properly, (always at the Cross of Jesus) the images will somewhat fade away, because the power behind them will be broken. (1 John 1:7-9)
- That both the website; “Restore Purity,” and the two books; “The Choice and the Challenge,” and “He Restores My Soul.” offer hope for the restoring of your soul (Psalm 23:3,) in dealing with these issues in your life.
- Lust and Porn, both use your imagination as a platform to showcase their agenda which also has powers of seduction mixed in with them. I will use your imagination also in the form of a dream you could have, and also by way of a dirge (poem.)
- I am not asking you to agree with me concerning these issues, but my goal is that you formulate within your own heart and mind your own understanding of this matter. A major point I always want to make is that you can choose any sin you like. Nevertheless, you rarely if ever get to choose the consequences. You will see this reality throughout all my writing.
- Finally, I write this material in hopes to equip you with knowledge and understanding of the depth and far reaching power released within you, in allowing Lust or Porn to take up residence within your soul.
Please meditate on this Quote;
Holiness is not just the absence of sin, But it is also the Presence of God!
John Wesley,
Glossary of Words
SEED: All male human beings are blessed with a special gift from our creator, the seed, through which we can reproduce and multiply. This seed that is once planted in do time comes forth and reproduces, after it’s kind of origin. Example: An apple seed, can create an apple tree which can reproduce it self thousands of times over in its life time.
Sperm: We will be addressing the male seed, which is called the sperm. It is the male reproductive cell. a living cell, that is given the capability to recognize and fuse with a female egg. This triggers the long process of reproduction. Yet males can extract the sperm from their body whenever they wish, by way of masturbation.
Masturbation: The word Masturbation is explained and defined in chapters 4 & 5 in my book “The Choice and the Challenge,” also there is a video teaching on the Restore Purity website under the category of the same name.
Lust: There is a teaching on Lust in chapter 6 in the book “The Choice and the Challenge, also there is a video teaching on the Restore Purity website under the category of the same name.
Idolatry: At the root of all sin is idolatry—the worship of something other than God. Idolatry is defined in chapter 7 of the book “The Choice and the Challenge.” again, also there is a video teaching on the Restore Purity website under the category of the same name.
Porn: There is teaching on Porn in chapter 8 in the book “The Choice and the Challenge, also there is a video teaching on the Restore Purity website under the category of the same name.
Alter: The word altar comes from the Latin altārium, meaning “high,” and also to the Latin adolere, which means “to ritually burn or sacrifice.”
Grooming: Sexual grooming refers to when a sexual predator (spirits of perversion), builds a relationship whith his targeted prey, (a prey is sought after with the intent to ultimately kill it – possibly, you) were this offender starts by building trust, but then uses that trust to control, to isolate, and then abuse his target sexually, physically and emotionally, spiritually.
The aim of sexual grooming is to exploit, tricked, or coerced the targeted victim into sexual activity by himself. In this case getting a “Son of the Living” God to ongoingly enter into a life of lusting and the viewing of porn with the by-product being masturbation.
What I am about to show you is directly connected to the first commandment. Exodus 20:1-6
And God spoke all these words:
“I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
“You shall have no other gods before me.
“You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.
You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.
And what does it mean that He is a Jealous God?
Gods jealousy is that of a lover,
who longs for the exclusive attention, worship and faithfulness of his people, his bride.
(Beholding the Beauty of God. by Greg Wiley –
I write this Article and Poem giving a behind the scenes view of what happens to a guy who has become addicted to Lust and Porn. I write this in the first person, from my own life experience. My own journey, yet to encourage you, this story does not end as Satan had planned for me. I do highlight the spiritual component of this addiction. Normally, we just think it’s something we ourselves have created within us. The reality is, there is very much outside influences in play. At one point in this article I point out the statement of the separation between a seducing spirit of lust, and our imagination.
I also choose to use our imagination, this is exactly what has been used in our life concerning Lust and Porn. I do this in hopes of you opening the eyes of your heart, to see what is actually happening!
The reason I do this is to show you to break down the Alter of Lust and Porn in your heart first (Judges 6:25-27, – notice Gideon needed the help of his friends to do this.) That is what must be broken within you first in order to break free from Satan’s grip on your life. This is important, you must deal with the “library,” that is still in your heart. Again, this must be accomplished by breaking the power of that seducing spirit within you. Breaking down any alter within your heart.
I wish you success in realizing it is Jesus, who can bring you out of this darkness, and into the freedom he has for you. He sets lose the sons of our God from the prison of death, (Psalm 102:19-20) to experience His freedom so that they may give extravagant praise to their Father God with clean hands and a pure heart. In making right choices to begin walking in purity and holiness, this starts with humility and repentance from your heart out word. Immerse yourself in this website, everything here is to help you walk in the inheritance, our God has for you.
Ripping the Mask off Lust & Porn

1 Peter 5:8
Be alert and of sober mind…
To my Brothers in Christ, let me show you how Satan wants to teach you his ways concerning sex!
Yes, it is what he shows you in porn that is his understanding of how you should have a sexual experience. So let’s have a look at these three things to understand what he is doing.
– How does he seduce you? (Groom you)
– How does he teach and train you?
– Why does he stay on this evil subject? Answer, Until you can do it on your own!
He often starts his personal “grooming” of you, first, by speaking thoughts of curiosity concerning your sexuality. One of the main ways he does this is by intensifying an awareness of your own sex drive within your inner man.
He may have a talk with you, not with words necessarily, but with what you hunger and crave for in your deepest feelings and emotions. If you could put this talk into words, it often sounds like your own voice inside of you. It sounds like your very own reasoning, your very own understanding and desires. These thoughts are intended to draw you in to believe that what the evil one, the “father of lies,” is offering you and wants to show you, all the benefits, the rewards of mixing seducing lust within your imagination while you are masturbating. This is just the introduction of the path he is starting to take you down.
But, tragically, and the fact is, you rarely question who is speaking to you, who you are listening to.
What is this evil spirit’s “goal” in all this? It is to fully awaken your mind and heart to the activating of your sex drive for “his” own benefits and rewards and not yours.
For it is your mind, heart and sex drive that he wants ultimate control over.
If he is successful, he will have captured a another son of the Living God, making him a prisoner of war, making him one of his slaves. Most importantly, in training this new slave, he will be teaching him how to worship him with the ritual of giving him. his sperm from his body at the end of each ceremony,
These conversations will be all about persuading you to just have a look into that curiosity about sex more and more. He will encourage you first within your heart and mind to willingly start dwelling on or looking at your favorite erotic images. (and you know what most often follows, masturbation, the giving of your seed to him.)
We know that our God’s intent concerning your sexuality is that it will draw you into relationships, out of your self isolation. But what this spirit of perversion’s intent is to always keep you in isolation.
So when you are on God’s path concerning your sexuality, you start out alone in life but end in a relationship.
On the evil one’s path; you start out alone and end up alone especially with in your heart.
What happens to you is, he will take those “images,” and without you realizing it, he converts them into both seeds and bricks to grow and build with (more understanding on these “seeds and bricks”, a little further down in this article). He will bring them, and embed them within your own imagination. This always happens by way of continually lusting and/or the fast track – the viewing of porn.
Also, what you don’t realize is that you are now unlocking the door that enters into your mind and heart. That you are freely giving him access to your secret place within your deepest heart. At this part of your heart, he quickly begins to build something, but you are totally unaware of this happening.
Now, He takes the talk with you (again, using your heart language.) to a place of luring you closer to his seducing camouflaged “trap,” (the trap of addiction.) which he has set for you, his prey (again a prey is captured with the intent to kill). He does this by using his visual images and gestures which, at first you do not fully understand, nevertheless, you easily surrender to the power of his seduction. Each time you yield to his thoughts and suggestions, your “Will,” is being weakened.
For the chains of addiction are to weak to feel, until they become to strong to be broken.
Samuel Jackson

He teaches you that when you mix lust with masturbation it intensifies the experience many times over. And when you mix lust, with porn, with masturbation, you go to even higher levels of your new found pleasure.
Once he has persuaded you, you find yourself willingly sitting down (in privacy, more importantly in secrecy, and you think you are all alone.) and bringing up your favorite erotic images on whatever device you have. He knows full well that what you are viewing will turn into “seeds,” as it were, and they will be used for the purpose of sowing into your imagination of your mind and heart for your future pornographic fantasies.
In the mist of all this, he is studying you to see what entices you. He studies your eyes. He is looking to see if you have an intense focus in what you are watching. He takes notice of that hypnotic gaze that you now have in your eyes, and he is pleased. For each time he gets you to come to this place, he very will know, that your “Will,” is becoming weaker in resisting his wooing, with each visit. He assesses your actions. and he notes that your mouth is open in wonderment at what you are imagining and/or seeing. He is very aware that you are keeping your center of attention primarily on what you are seeing and hearing erotically. For you do not want to take your eyes, or ears, off of this seducing experience. The trap is now set, and he sees that you are ready!
Now let me show you what is really going on. Using your own imagination to paint a picture of what is happening to you!
The Picture, The Image, The Movie of You and Him.
It’s like a Dream you are having!

The movie begins with you falling into a deep sleep in your bed and you start having a dream.
In this dream, an evil spirit morphs into an invisable giant standing behind you, firmly holding the back of your neck and head while you are viewing your favorite porn. Yet, you don’t seem to mind, for it is turning you on. For the fact is you have become use to obeying, submitting to him, because you have become so familiar with him leading and guiding you into your erotic fantasies which seem to be always escalating and intensifying your experience. You are not aware of this but he has been bringing you to a deeper level of your viewing of your favorite porn. Therefore, you willingly accommodate him, for in your heart you want to view whatever he is showing you because he is showing you what you desire the most, again within your heart. You do this with your eyes and mouth wide open in wonderment as to what you are seeing. Again, he sees the hypnotic gaze over your eyes, he double-checks that your mouth is open. And again, He is very well pleased. It is at this point that he sees that you are in the center of his will, and also, it is at this point, you realize that he is also holding something in his other hand, its a shiny object but you can’t see what it is because you can’t move your head since he has a tight grip holding your neck and the back of your head. At first you thought he was doing all this because he wanted you to continue focusing on some of that special porn he is showing you, always keeping you very excited, always taking you deeper and deeper into more perversion.

In this “dream,” everything is happening so very fast and you find yourself in a place, a place where you have become very desensitized. He says; “Hold still for I have done this to untold numbers of you Sons of God, and the more you surrender in yield, the more you submit to me, then the less it will hurt.” (at first). Suddenly, you realize someone or something is tying your hands behind your back, and then he moves his other hand towards you under your chin but you don’t have a chance to move because of the firm grip he has on your neck, now with that exact same hand he now grab’s the hair on the top of your head and mercilessly yanks your head back to clearly expose your neck more, you are so in a trance that you are somehow keeping your eyes solely on the porn, which seems to be the closest to what your heart has always desired and it is continually arousing you. You are in a state of shock and as a natural reaction-your mouth opens wider. He moves quickly, it happens fast and clean, yes, he has done this countless times before to great numbers of your brothers in Christ and now you find yourself crossing over into that number of Gods Sons, who are now Satan’s slaves.
What happens is you feel a very sharp pierce under your chin, under your jaw and whatever that knife-like sharp point is, part of it is instantly coming out of your mouth. Immediately there is a taste of warm blood in your mouth, and you are certain it is your very own warm blood dripping down your neck. Nevertheless you don’t believe what is happening, still your entire focus is in a half-conscious state and that being the viewing of your porn, it seems to be overriding any pain, for now. He has bent over and is whispering into your ear saying; “Good, I have caught you like a fish and I have taken and hooked you under your chin and out your mouth – You are mine.” Also, “I have been planting within your heart and mind some of my best sexually arousing seeds, you now have your very own library within you, provided by me. A place within you that you can enjoy at anytime day or night.. This is where you can watch my lessons on erotic sexual pleasure whenever you want, and each time you view any new porn, I will make sure to add it to your internal secret stash for future use. I will be showing you how to use this new library of images and videos now within your soul. With this library, I will continually be teaching you how to create you’re very own unique fantasies, with you always being the “star” within them. You will be in a place of not needing the internet to assist you in the serving of me”.
You look at him and he seems very pleased with himself for he knows that he has captured another son of the Living God, and he is stairring back at you and you become very aware that what just happen to you is that you surrendered your soul, will, and sex drive so easily to him. And you know that he knows that he thinks he has power over you whenever he desires and he wants you to believe that.
He is continuing his talk with you; “I will teach you and show you that your lusting is like the burning of a sweet fragrant of incense up to me, the more you lust the more you please me. It shows me that I have trained you well, that you are obeying and fulfilling all my plans for you. Now you are doing all this on your own with no help from me. In your heart, he causes you to vicariously bow down to him and kiss him. The stuff you are experiencing while viewing the porn, in your heart you are participating with that imagery. Kissing him in several different parts of the body he is showing you within your imagination.
This is exactly how the sons of God would do it in the Old Testament bowing down that the altars of Baal, Moloch, and Ashtaroth.
BTW – You need to know, Jesus is observing what is going on, on the inside of you, He is not unaware, Jesus knows.
This perverted spirit thinks I am totally hypnotized by this point, and makes the mistake of saying the following statement. Continue coming to me as you presently are and I will continue providing this seducing spirit empowering your lust, for without this spirit of perversion in the mix with your erotic fantasies, your images and fantasies will have no power or influence over you.
You realize that I have given you all this, this is true but the fact is my training of you is completed and you are now willingly worshipping me with the images within your deep heart with what your alter is made out of. You are becoming a good servant to me, a good slave. Always offering your incense of your burning lust and your seed, (your sperm,) that you cherish the most to me, which comes up to me as a sweet-smelling aroma to my nostrils, I love it when you are burning with lust and eventually giving me the seed of your body. I will take care of you from now on, for you are mine.
Now remember, You must stay in this darkness and I want you to come to your very own alter within your heart.
It was you who helped me built this alter by way of providing me with the very bricks from your lusting, to the specific desires you long for.
I want you to come here as often as you can –
whenever you can and worship me,
Also remember, at the end of your ongoing ritual will be you, most oftenly giving me, your sperm.
Now he dose not want you to realize that one of the definitions for the word,
“WORSHIP,” – “Is To Kiss.”
So in the viewing of any erotic imagery is actually going to bed with and kissing these seducing spirits.
Meaning; whatever you conjure up in your imagination, you find yourself worshiping (kissing,) that creation of your imagination. In other words, what you have created for your sexual erotic pleasure and in actual fact, you are going to bed with demons and kissing them.
He lets go of your hair and unties your hands and steps in front of you holding a rope, but at first you do not notice what that rope is connected to until it is way too late, for the rope is firmly fasten onto the hook that he has just lunge through your chin and out of your bleeding mouth. For the reality is he has just succeeded with his immediate plans for you! You realize your “Will, is to weak to offer any resistance and he knows this. His next statement to you is this: I will be taking my seeds and burning them within your imagination to ongoingly seduce you. In exchange, you will continually be giving me the sperm from your body. This is your new reality!
You come to your senses and realize you are naked and empty before him, in his darkness, with a new bloody pain under your chin, and blood dripping out of your hooked mouth. Also, you find yourself full of secrecy, shame, and self-hatred. This is exactly where he wants you to always be, always remaining in that place of defeat, with you remaining there, for this without fail pleases him.
For it is at this point, he has completed this phase of his relationship with you. For you are now dependent on your lust and porn because it is now intimately tied to your sex drive. Your Sex Drive, that was once solely yours, he now has control over.
By the way, he has also succeeded in causing you to be double-minded and he is very happy controlling 1/2 of your mind. For he knows you are now neutralized and ineffective in serving your God because alls he has to do is pull on the rope that is fastened to your mouth and you will obey him instantly. For you are addicted to the benefits he provides each time you obey him.
Now you wake up from this dream. Realizing what you just dreamed is only the beginning of the consequences of this life of slavery he has for you and it all started just by you listening to him.
James 1:8
Now we have fully pulled the mask off of Lust and Porn!
Again, this is what is really going on.
You will not be able to deny that he delivered on his end. But look what you gave him in exchange for the experience? He now has a new slave, and it is YOU! He will be leading and pulling you back into lusting, and to viewing porn, again and again, with you repeatedly, worshiping him at the alter within your heart. Always offering the fragrant incense of lust up to him on your custom made alter and finishing that ritual/ ceremony with the kissing him and the likely giving of your sperm to him.
One day, you realize you fully understand the following Dirge (poem.)
(This is why Jesus says in Matthew 5:28-30 to DEAL RADICALLY with any lust in your heart.)
This is where the battle for Purity and Holiness begins and is won! In your heart first!
A Dirge – a lament for the dead, especially one forming part of a funeral rite;
a mournful song, piece of music.
Putting a magnifying glass on the four stages of porn:
The Steps into your journey into Sexual Slavery!
Addiction, Escalation, Desensitization and Acting Out.
Lusting seems to always want to make room for Porn.
Porn opens the door for Addiction.
Addiction always brings you into Escalation.
Escalation, always brings with it,
a large invisible fish hook called Desensitization.
This hook of Desensitization is used to rip right through a gawking guy’s
lower jaw and out of his open mouth,
while he is gazing at his seductive precious porn.
Then he is (as it were) dragged away into sexual slavery, into darkness.
2 Peter 2:19
And in his heart and mind he will be taught, and learn to willingly call,
good evil and evil good, light for darkness and darkness for light,
this all happens at the new custom made alter within your heart.
Custom made specifically for you, for it is made up of your very own
personal erotic images and fantasies.
Isaiah 5:20
You think that it is only you, yourself is the only one who only know this
yet this dirty little secret of yours is not a secret because someone else also knows,
For he also knows what is going on in all of our hearts and minds.
Jeremiah 17:9-10
Because it is a choice, we are making to continually listening to the lying voice within us.
John 8:44
Next, at that time this new slave will receive food for his soul
given to him by seducing spirits
pretending to satisfy the hungers and longings of his deep heart,
yet this so-called very addictive food is only a diet of toxic sexual erotica.
But, surprisingly, you always seem to be thirsty and hungry for more
because this so-called food never satisfies.
It is important that we understand that these evil spirits
will be using something that looks like a glowing red-hot branding iron.
Yet, what they will be doing is,
they will be “burning seeds,” which look like dirty little illustrations
scorching them deep into your conscience and sub-conscious,
and what they are, are specifically, sexually stimulating images
for the purpose of soaking your inner man deeper into desensitization.

And what they produce in you is
sexual perverted stimuli that you become aware of all the time.
Within the kingdom of Satan, the kingdom of darkness.
you will not be given any escape from these images
They are sexual perverted “seeds,” that have been uniquely planted within
your heart and within your mind, and they start growing within us
giving birth to our very own evil desire’s.
You will find that your evil desires will progressively become darker and darker.
James 1:14-15
These “seeds,” grow into plants that become fountains of ongoing
sexual fantasies tailor-made for whatever you desire.
Now the Garden of your heart is over-grown with plants of your very own
“favorite,” LUST.
Which you will be using to offer up as a fragrant incense
at the alter within your deep heart.
These demons are embedding their seeds into a
growing garden of the one being hypnotized,
while they are viewing their choice of seduction and death.
Affecting every relationship they have, whether he wants it to or not.
These “gardens,” are in fact, also the unseen prison cells
that the prisoner-of-war is now caged in.
This prisoner who now has been seduced
– has a hook through his mouth.
– always gives his “Seed,” regularly
– has his conscience branded with filthy illustrations
these filthy illustrations are reproducing themselves
always showing him how Satan wants him to vicariously do it.
and he makes him practice over and over again within the secret rooms of his heart.
Rooms that Satan has access to but Jesus does not.
(Least, that’s what we all hope and think.)
Practicing over and over again and always becoming darker and darker.
He is no longer able to Worship his God nor do Spiritual Warfare.
because now he is firmly double-minded.
James 1:8
He no longer needs to view pornography on the Internet,
for he now has a vast library within his heart and mind
that can entertain him endlessly. 24 / 7 / 365
Instead, he will find himself burning incense at the Alter of Sexual Idolatry in his deep heart.
Ezekiel 8 & 9
These spirits are now keenly aware that they have trained
another son of God to only eat at
the pigsty of sexual perversion for their nourishment.
(remember the story of the prodigal son, when he was at the pigs trough,
when he was at his lowest point and as he you came to his senses)
Luke 15:11-31

The demons will be laughing at him all the while feeding him this counterfeit food.
Also, his new task masters are assigned to torment him.
Task masters like the 3 “S’s;”
Shame, Secrecy, and Self-hatred.
He now awaits whatever the destiny Satan has for him.
Sadly, as you know, many of our brothers in Christ
are now enslaved within these prison cells,
and they are now on the verge of having
the title of being called
a sex addict for the rest of their lives.
Hardened sex addicts always seem to consistently,
move right up to the line of Acting Out,
with some of them actually
crossing over that line into their deceitful fantasies.
Want Proof?
Just type into any Search Bar,
“How many registered Sex Offenders are there in the United States?”
(or the Country you are from.)
By the way, there are also great numbers of unregistered sex offenders
who spend their lives hiding and always looking over their shoulders.
Since the mid-1990’s the internet has provided the main source of the
“perverted sexual education,”
of untold numbers of our Brothers in Christ,
which is the grooming and entry into Sexual Idolatry,
into sexual slavery.
We must see this for what it is!
The goal of all communities of Christian believers needs to become,
Lust & Porn Free communities!
Communities separating themselves from darkness and unbelief,
unto Humility, Holiness and Purity.
This is the Choice and this is the Challenge!
This website is here to help in breaking free from
the power of any Lust and Porn in your life.
Psalm 102:19-20 (NIV)
“The Lord looked down from his sanctuary on high,
from heaven he viewed the earth,
to hear the groans of the prisoners
and release those condemned to death.”
“IF,” you apply the truths found on this website.
We soon will have Two New Books out Title
“The Choice and the Challenge,”
along with our companion book,
“He Restores My Soul,”
which will also provide biblical truths to aid in this endeavor!
(By the way, if you need immediate help I recommend Psalm 18.
Read it and apply it, pray it verse by verse.
For the Washing of your Mind and heart (your soul) the starting of the path of Freedom from this entrapment, go to;
The Names of our God, The Cross, and Our Identity in Christ.
(Again, I have written this because Jesus is setting me free from this slavery to Satan,
and this is me in part telling some of my story.)
So true. I knew I was addicted when I saw a sexual ad online saying, “click here (you have to you are an addict)”, and I agreed, clicking the button. I felt so defeated.
Jesus can banished sexual lust, even from dreams. God becomes your heart’s desire. It’s a lie that images will never fade from your imagination. But like Mike says, when we are in hell, the scenery never changes. We need a savior, to bring us to new places – to places of healing and life. Thank you Mike for creating one of those places here at Restorepurity.