What Heaven Is Saying  

In the Vine concordance


  • is translated from the word dogma
  • I thought dogma was always about doctrine – it’s about more than doctrine

Acts 2:42

They continued steadfast in fellowship, prayer

and the apostle’s doctrine…

  • The word for DECREE is dogma

In the book of Act’s it is interesting that within two chapters we read in chapter 16 the DECREE’S of the apostles. 

(This was concerning non-Jews who became believers yet we’re not circumcised)

When they came out of the Jerusalem council

and the Jerusalem Council, sent out a DECREE throughout

the inhabited world where there were believers

In Acts 17 it talks about DECREE’S of Cesar

  • What a DECREE does 
  • It takes the word that is actualized through Declaration

and the DECREE activates the word of God to set the order of God

to set things in order according to the divine pattern – 

  • Dogma (DECREE) is releasing what God is saying
  • because what He is saying now is going to bring order not only to the people of God it is going to bring order to the earth 

DECREE is a matter of Authority


  • we DECLARE what God’s word has said –
  • we DECREE what heaven is saying

In Job 22:28 (KJV) it says: 

Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee:

and the light shall shine upon thy ways.

  • we can DECREE that onto earth as though God, Himself were saying it
  • its something that the Lord is releasing to DECREE into the earth
  • To decree is speaking into the present like PROPHECY does, 

it also sets the stage for the future

Quote from Tim Sheets book; 

…the King, the Breaker Himself will put the Ekklesia (Church) on His shoulders 

…where the Government is on His shoulders…

Isaiah 9:6

  • to understand the concept of government is to understand that governments make orders or DECREE’S 
  • a President makes a lot of DECREE’S, a lot of orders and whenever a president does this, things immediately shift
  • so, when he DECREE’S something, he DECREE’S what he wants to happen
  • We are DECREEING what God says; 

“this is what I want to happen,”

(but I need someone in Government authority to do that.)

Therefore, when we see in Isaiah 9:6 – 

…the Government is on His shoulders,

  • it is not the American government, nor the Dutch government, nor the Israeli government nor the United Nations government.

It is the Kingdom of God Government

 And then He says;

…you are my Government, Ekklesia (the Church)

DECREE is a matter of Authority



Watchman Nee said; 

when you are praying to know the will of God. 

  • You are praying from earth into heaven. 
  • You are praying from your precisely Priestly Anointing, into heaven to know the will of God.
  • Once you “know,” the will of God, then you are seated in the heavenlies through Christ Jesus and you are DECREEING out of heaven back into earth
  • Therefore, we pray into heaven to know the Priestly Anointing, 

but then we step into our Kingly Anointing and Authority and DECREE back into the earth.


  • DECREE’S takes humanity and turns us into something beyond human in the super natural realm 
  • The DECREE brings the reality of who we are in the heavens to a reality of who we are right now

We must marry our Priestly Anointing, and our Kingly Authority

in order to bring to pass this assignment.

  • Again, our prayers are not Priestly going up, this is now the Kingly prayers that are coming down because we are on His shoulders as a part of His government structure on earth and we DECREE what we’ve heard Him speak
  • And we DECREE that as though it was an Executive Order
  • A DECREE – is a governmental edict, an official order or proclamation issued by a person in authority  
  • it is legal and it is binding
  • I really think there’s something about a DECREE that as we discern what heaven is saying 
  • There is intentionality about a DECREE that brings a weight as we hear from heaven 
  • We pray it through till we come to faith, an assurance that it is the Spirit of God, that God has said this, that we are hearing the voice of Holy Spirit 
  • Through two or three others witnesses when more than just one person is hearing it, then we write it down 
  • Again, there is an intentionality that God is calling us in the Spirit realm to DECREE these over and over again – is fuel for the angel armies, to do that which heaven has ordained. Then it is enforceable by heaven  
  • When writing these decrees, we are writing with an intentionality and sending them out, letting other people take it, doing it together and in agreement, that will energize heaven