By Mike Caven

BECAUSE Hebrews 4:12-14 says:


In John 10:3,


He knew very well the potential power that Lust can have within you

Lust’s goal is attempting that you worship two God’s (god’s) at the same time

With Lust, you will find yourself hating one and love the other and/or

be devoted to one and despise the other

causing you to be double minded

With Lust in your heart you have an inpure heart

your Praise and Worship to our God is nothing more than a charade

(a fake display)


Lust keeps you away from an intimate relationship with our Father God

it separates you from God’s presence

Lust places you in your own prison cell of isolation

Lust keeps you from Prayer

Lust showers you in guilt and Shame

Lust attempts to rape your soul of the Fruit of the Holy Spirit

Lust quenches the Holy Spirit within you

Lust keeps you out of the presence of God

Lust damages relationships

Lust causes you to take your focus off of our Lord

Lust is poison to your Soul

Lust robs you of spiritual fulfillment

Lust brings you into double-mindedness

Lust impairs your judgement and your wisdom

Lust is not a weakness – Lust is wickedness

You are unable to enter into Spiritual Warfare whenever you are entertaining Lust

Lust robs you of the Joy of our Lord in your Life

Lust robs you of our Lords Peace

Lust is at war with Purity

Lust makes your soul dirty

Lust is a cancer to your soul

Lust pushes you into unbelief

Lust is a form of deceitfulness

Lust keeps you away from your inheritance as a son of the Living God

Lust stops the plans of our God from coming into flourishing within your life

Lust is the foundation for all expressions of sexual brokenness within your life

Lust keeps you from experiencing our Gods acceptance of you

Lust keeps you from experiencing our Gods approval of you

Lust keeps you from experiencing our Gods affirmation of you

Lust keeps you from experiencing our Gods validation of you

Lust keeps you from experiencing our Gods affection towards you

Lust robs you of the abundant life Jesus has for you

Lust makes it impossible to hear our God’s voice in your life

The spirit of lust hates it when you enter into Repentance

The spirit of lust hates the Cross of Jesus

The spirit of lust hates the Name of Jesus

The spirit of lust hates the Blood of Jesus

When you wrap your heart in Lust, you cannot enter into your inheritance

It is Lust that strongly temps you to take the next step, which is to go ahead and view porn

Lust lives in darkness and hates the Light

Lust keeps you from entering into the rest of our God

Lust hates and is at war against the Fruit of the Holy Spirit in your life

Lust is the doorway into all sexual perversions in your life

Lust hardens your heart

Lust keeps you in isolation

Lust is Evil and leads you astray

Lust calls you into darkness

Lust calls you into sin and death

Lust keeps you unclean before our Father God

Lust desires to bring you into sexual slavery

Lust is an opium to your soul

Lust is a form of passive rebellion to the Kingdom of God within you

Lust blocks our Holy Spirit from bringing healing to your soul.

Lust also blocks you from fully maturing in Christ

Lust blocks you from having the Mind of Christ

Lust blocks you from radiating within you, Christ within you, the hope of Glory

It is Lust that weakens you to be incapable of carrying the weight of our God’s blessings he has for you

Lust wars against the Light of Truth

Lust wars against Holiness and Purity in your Soul

Jesus is aware when there is lust in your heart

Lust keeps you in fantasy, keeping you away from reality

Lust places self on the throne of your heart, removing Jesus from His rightful place there

Lust keeps you from true Love

Lust stops you from loving Jesus with your whole Mind, Soul, Strength and Will

Lust clouds your eyes in everything you see

Lust stops you from denying yourself daily, picking up your Cross and bringing a disciple of Jesus

Satan loves it when you are burning with Lust

Lust teaches you to call good, evil and evil, good