Psalm 145:3

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Here is another definition for Infinite, from the author of the book “Knowledge of the Holy,” A. W. Tozer. He says:

Being Infinite is a part of every attribute of our God, meaning, our God has:

  • Infinite love,
  • Infinite justice,
  • Infinite wisdom.

Each attribute of our God is intimately tied to this one attribute, — “Infinite”.

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My Triune God is Infinite.

Wonderful Father, what do the mystics of old say about you concerning time? 

You created time to benefit finite man, yet you are not restricted by it.

What does Peter say concerning You and time?

2 Peter 3:8

Also in Psalms we read;

Psalm 102:25-27

And space, what did King Solomon proclaim?

1 Kings 8:27

You are the Creator of all that exists and You are far more than all that You have created, 

You are without limits.

Job makes the statement:

Job 11:7-9

How big are You, Lord God?

Isaiah asked questions about You Lord in an effort to describe You.

He asked,

Isaiah 40:12

How does the Apostle Paul attempt to express the extravagant dimensions of our Infinite God?

It’s in Ephesians: 

Ephesians 3:17-18 

The vastness of all that our God is cannot be captured with mere words. It is only through revelation that our wonderful Infinite God gives us just a glimpse of who He is and how big He is. He is so majestic! So wonderful! This God we bow our knee to, the Infinite Creator of the universe has no boundaries or restrictions concerning time or space. My God is without limits, and inexhaustible!

My God is, my Infinite God.

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Greg Wiley, from his book

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