© 2010

Matthew 12:50

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My God is my Father God.

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In the study of our “Identity in Christ,” the primary focus is often on “us,” you and me, who we are “in Christ.” It’s called our inheritance, and we received it by faith when we accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior of our lives.  Yet as we mature, as we grow in our walk as a Christian, we should also be growing in our appreciation of this inheritance we have received. Plus, an important part of this journey is, we are to always be learning more about who are God is!

His Character,
His Nature,
His Attributes
His Ways.

We early on easily learn some of His names. I say “some,” because there are over 480 of His names throughout scripture describing the many awesome characteristics and attributes of our amazing God. Names like:

Our Good Shepherd, our Prince of Peace,
our Everlasting King,
our God of Hope,
our Wonderful Counselor, 
and our Almighty God. 

Each and every Name of our God has depth of meaning and amazing stories within scripture as examples for us. Our Good God, revealing Himself to each of us, showing us that there is no circumstance we will face in life were we can’t turn to Him for wisdom, help, guidance and comfort from Him.

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Then, there is the most important thing our God ever did throughout all of human history. 

The Cross of Jesus

The reality is what our God did over 2,000 years ago, dying on that Cross in Jerusalem. Well, in Heaven, which is presently located outside of time and space, all there are still celebrating Jesus’ victory over sin and death. His Resurrection proved to us that He truly is Life and Light.

Why did He do it?

Volumes and volumes of books have been written by saints of old and many who are with us today. They all have contributed their own Holy Spirit inspired revelations to capture the full ramifications of that one event in history. What Jesus accomplished at Calvary is by far His loudest and clearest statement of His Love for each of us. As we study all that took place during those events of our Savior’s final week in Jerusalem, we learn what the motivation was within His Heart.

What was the driving force causing Him to do what He did throughout His earthly life and ministry?  

It was His love for His Heavenly Father.  

Everything He did was because of the love that was shared between, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We know that our God is:

Completely — Complete,
and He is Perfectly — Perfect.
He is Holy and Pure and He is Life and Light.
He is all Powerful.
All Knowing,
and  All Present.
He has no needs of any kind
He has always been satisfied, fulfilled and content
within the circle of the Trinity.

So, the question must be asked:

“Why did our Heavenly Father allow Jesus to go through what no person had ever experienced throughout human history?”  

The answer is

It is because our Father in Heaven has a desire. 
It is not a need, 
but a desire.

This desire is

He wants you and me to be apart of His Family.

He has adopted us.

He chose you, and He chose me.

He is our God but He wants an

Active, Abundant, Vibrant, Intimate Relationship with you and with me.

He wants a Father/son relationship with us.

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Psalm 37:4 says:

Have you ever considered giving Him what He desires? Do you know what that is?

It is to relate to Him as

your Father,
your Daddy,
your Papa.

Romans 8:15

Galatians 4:6

This is what it is all about.

Our Father in Heaven loves us as His adopted sons and He wants us close to Him at all times.

This is our core “Identity in Christ.” We are sons of the Living God, and the brothers of Jesus, and it is the Holy Spirit which lives within each of us. Our Father in Heaven, wants this relationship with each of us.

Now, the Choice and the Challenge is ours.

To draw close to Him, to enter His Presences as His beloved sons, we are to first go to the Cross of Jesus our Brother and with the help of the Holy Spirit.  We are to make sure we are clean and pure.   (Psalm 24:3-4)

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It is my desire and hope that this website helps you

in becoming clean and pure  before our wonderful Father in Heaven.

I wish you success in your journey, as His son!

My God Is My Father God!

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