Rejection Questions
- Rejection hurts most when we experience it from someone we ______________________________________on,
_______________________________________or even_____________________________________________.
- Does God understand rejection? Yes No
- Has God ever experienced this pain of rejection? Yes No
- Is it even possible for God to experience rejection? Yes No
- Has God felt forsaken! Yes No
- A dictionary definition of the word “forsaken “is: “to appear ____________________ or____________________
because one has felt __________________________________ or____________________________________ .”
- What are two attributes and characteristics that God and man share. the ability to_____________________ and
experience ________________________________________________________________________________.
- Isaiah 53:3says: “He was ___________________________________ and ________________________ of men,
a man of ____________________________________ and acquainted with _____________________________.
- What did Jesus cry out in Matthew 27:46? ________________________________________________________
why have you______________________________________________________________________________
- The fact that the real problem for us is more likely the ________________________________________________
than __________________________________________________________________________________ itself.
- YetI John 4:18tells us that: “There is ____________________________ in love; but _______________________
_______________________________________________________________________________casts out fear.
- Therefore, the antidote to fear is __________________________________________________________________