Questions For Pride Teaching
1) The American heritage dictionary defines pride in both a positive and negative way. The negative definition in part is:
An excessively __________________________________________________________________________________
of oneself; ______________________________________________________________________________________
2) On the list of the “Seven Deadly Sins,” what position does “pride” hold? ______________________________________
3) C.S. Lewis is reported to have said: That of all the sins Pride carries with it the ________________________________
and separate man from man, and man from God.
4) What are the consequences of Pride?
- a) It brings_________________________________________________________________________________
- b) It brings _________________________________________________________________________________
- c) It produces _______________________________________________________________________________
(lack of respect)
- d) It _______________________________________________________________________________________
(reduces something in quality or value)
- e) It produces ______________________________________________________________________________
oppression and ultimately abominations!
5) What is the source of pride? Much like unbelief, __________________________________________________of men.
6) In I John 2:16– John describes pride in this way: For everything in the world the ___________________of sinful man,
the ___________________________________of his eyes and the ________________________________________
and does comes not from the Father but from the world.
7) Where the first known source of sinful pride appeared In_________________________________________________
8) What are the two parts for remedy for pride?
One: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Two: ____________________________________________________________________________________
9) What brings praise both in the Old and the New Testament and by our Lord Himself ____________________________
(not humiliation!)
10) Please write out this scripture 1 Peter 5:5 ___________________________________________________________
11) In 2 Chronicles 7:14 it says: My people who are _____________________________________________by My name
______________________________________________________________________________________and pray
and seek My face and ________________________then I will hear from ___________________________________
heaven, ___________________________________________________________________and will heal their land.”
12) What is the final consequence to humbling ourselves?_________________________________________________