Questions For Teachings on Unforgiveness
1) The dictionary defines the verb “to forgive” as follows:
To grant _____________________________________________________for or remission of an offense, debt, etc.
To give up ________________________ _____________________________on account of a debt, obligation, etc.
To cease to feel ______________________________________________________ against;
To _________________________________________________________________ an indebtedness or liability.
2) It is interesting that one definition of “absolve” provided by the dictionary is:
“to set _______________________________________, or ___________________________________________ ”.
3) In the Lord’s Prayer: “And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.”
What does this petition imply?
That we are only forgiven by God _______________________________________________________________?
4) What is another way of saying: “up to seventy times seven times”.
_________________________________________ and a ____________________________________________
5) In Matthew 18 the word “torturer” is legitimately often translated ________________________________________
6) What is the point of the parable in Matthew 18? If we do not forgive, God will allow us to be
____________________________and____________________________ until we come to our senses and forgive.
7) Therefore who does unforgiveness imprison, the offender or the ________________________________________
8) In Corrie ten Boom’s story, she said that it was only by surrendering to the ________________________________
were she was able to forgive.
9) Unforgiveness is a____________________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________________by the victim of an
_____________________________________________________________________________ while intended to
_____________________________________________the ___________________________________________.
10) In a sense, any unforgiveness actually allows the offender to inadvertently
____________________________________________ you___________________________________________
11) Unforgiveness is a sin, but with the help of the Holy Spirit you can be free from this sin and
12) What is the quote at the end of this teaching by Lewis B Smedes?
Fact: The more you are free from any “Unforgiveness,” in your life, the less you will deal with any lust in your life!