Answers For Teaching on Unforgiveness


1) The dictionary defines the verb “to forgive” as follows:


   To grant pardon for or remission of an offense, debt, etc.          

    To give up all claim  on account of a debt, obligation, etc.

    To cease to feel resentment  against;

   To cancelan indebtedness or liability. 


2) It is interesting that one definition of “absolve” provided by the dictionary is:  “to set free,or release ”.

3) In the Lord’s Prayer:  “And forgive us our debts,  as we also have forgiven our debtors.”  What does  


     this petition imply? That we are only forgiven by God  to the extent we forgive 


4) What is another way of saying: “up to seventy times seven times”.Forever and a day

5) In Matthew 18 the word “torturer” is legitimately often translated: “tormenter”.

6)  What is the point of the parable in Matthew 18? If we do not forgive, God will allow us to be 

     “tormentedandimprisoned”until we come to our senses and forgive. 

7) Therefore who does unforgiveness imprison, the offender or the unforgivingone offended

8) In Corrie ten Boom’s story, she said that it was only by surrendering to the Holy Spiritwere              

   she was able to forgive.

9) Unforgiveness is a  self-inflicted punishmentby the victim of an offencewhile intended to hurt


10) In a sense, any unforgiveness actually allows the offender to inadvertently hurtyou further. 

11) Unforgiveness is a sin, but with the help of the Holy Spirit you can be free from this sin  and escape     

       the clutches of the “tormentors”!


12) What is the quote from the beginning of this teaching by Lewis B Smedes?

       To Forgive Is To Set A Prisoner Free And To Discover That The Prisoner Was You.



The more you are free from any  “Unforgiveness,” in your life, the less you will deal with any lust in your life!