Answers For Condemnation or Conviction Teaching
- Where are we to be in order to be assured that there is no condemnation in our life? In Christ
- The Definition for the word “justified” carries with it two meanings at the same time, one is “not condemned” and the other is:
Made Righteous
- Condemnation comes from two different sources – who are they? Satan – Ourselves
- Are we to continue in sin so that grace may increase? No, we are to die to sin
- Condemnation brings you only. Hopelessness
- Conviction will always point us towards. Repentance
- Two of Jesus’ disciples sinned against Him grievously, and both regretted it, who were they?
Peter and Judas
- Condemnation tells me that: I am something wrong
- Conviction tells me that: I have done something wrong
- Conviction draws me to the Cross of Jesus so that I may go there and confess and to
Be cleansed of my sins
- Condemnation tries to keep me away from the Cross of Jesus because?
The Enemy Does Not Want Me To Repent!
- Complete this quote: Always Remember, In Your Father God’s Eye’s
Failure In Your Life Is Just An Event It Is Never Your Identity
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