But when, through the open door of the cross and the name of power of Jesus Christ, I commend myself to the Father's heart, then God cancels all my past, accepts all my present, swears His holy name for my future and the love of God take me over. Then fear goes out of my heart, because love has come in. - A. W. Tozer

Meditations about the Cross

The Cross of Jesus,
How to view the Cross,
Why did the Cross have to happen,
How ugly was the Cross,
The Choice and the Challenge
Taking up our Cross
The Blood of Jesus
Freedom and the Cross
Peace and the Cross
Healing and the Cross
Victory and the Cross

Along with the category of The Names of God, these meditations on The Cross of Jesus and The Blood of Jesus, (including their quotes) are essential for purity and holiness, within each of our lives.

These meditations are short, and are intended to be contemplated, pondered, and reflected upon. Take your time, letting their truths into your whole life. Keep returning to them until your heart owns them completely.

My prayer for you, is blessings and success!

Your brother in Christ – Mike