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Each of these Four Youtube Videos are 5/6 minutes in length. Followed by their transcript.
– The Secret To Slaying Envy The Secret To Slaying Envy & Jealousy
– 7 Revelations for Overcoming Jealousy and Envy
adjective feeling or showing envy of someone or their achievements and advantages: he grew jealous of her success.
• feeling or showing suspicion of someone’s unfaithfulness in a relationship: a jealous boyfriend.
• fiercely protective or vigilant of one’s rights or possessions.
• (of God) demanding faithfulness and exclusive worship.
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Jealousy is an inner consciousness of one’s own inferiority. It is a mental cancer. –
B. C. Forbes
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The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves.
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– noun (plural envies) a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else’s possessions, qualities, or luck.
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The spirit of envy can destroy; it can never build.
Margaret Thatcher
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Envy is the art of counting the other fellow’s blessings instead of your own.
Harold Coffin
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The Secret To Slaying Envy The Secret To Slaying Envy & Jealousy
Hey guys today I want to talk about what to do when you find yourself
Envious or Jealous of Someone Else
that’s coming up next on the beat
hey everyone my name is Allen Parr thank you all so much for tuning in to the beat
today we are dealing with a very real issue
and that is the fact that what do we do whenever we find ourselves envious and jealous of someone else
you know it’s easy for us to take a look at the size of somebody else’s home
how much money they make
how successful their children are
the relationship – the relationship status
and so today I just want to give you five things
to consider when dealing with these issues of envy and jealousy
and how God can actually use them to grow you into a better person
Number One:
Happiness Lie
is what I’m calling the Happiness Lie
here I want to strongly encourage you to reject the idea
that if I only had – when I see other people having then and only then will I truly be happy
you know this is one of the things that the enemy uses to keep us chasing after everything except God
and so here’s my assignment for you
I want you to read two passages of Scripture the first is Luke 15:11-32
a very common story the Prodigal Son
here is a young man who thought he would be happier outside of his father’s home
only to get out there and to realize he was better off where he was
and then the second passage is actually the book of Ecclesiastes
and this book is all about King Solomon who went on an experiment and he tried to find happiness
in wine, women, wealth, and his work, and he kept coming up empty
finding out that you know what all of these other things are great but he could find true happiness apart
from his relationship with God
Number Two:
Measuring Stick Syndrome
is what I’m calling the Measuring Stick Syndrome
and this is the idea that the enemy would love nothing more than for you and I to spend our entire lives
comparing ourselves and measuring ourselves up against
what we see and think other people have
and what ends up happening is
whenever we are at those critical times in our lives
we are most vulnerable
the enemy will allow something to be said to you
that will discourage you making you think that your life sucks
because you don’t have what somebody else has
and it keeps us in a pattern of compare ourselves and measuring ourselves
up against other people’s success
Number Three:
Mirror Principle
is what I’m calling the Mirror Principle
and this is the idea that God can use our jealousy to reveal certain things
that are going on inside of our hearts
for instance one of the things is that it reveals
the idols in our in our lives
and so if this is something that I’m thinking about constantly
I’m consumed with and my whole entire life is wrapped around pursuing this thing
it can reveal that I am more interested in pursuing this thing than I am in my relationship with God
which means that this desire has become an idol in my life
not only does it reveal the idols in our lives but it also can uncover some pride
that’s going on in our hearts
because often times we want what we see because it makes us feel better about ourselves
and it actually makes us feel better around other people
which is an indication that there is some pride going on in our lives that we need to deal with
Number Four:
Guard Against Ungratefulness
is to Guard Against Ungratefulness in the old testament book of Numbers
the Bible says that the nation of Israel wandered around in the wilderness for forty years
and one of the reasons why that happened was because God was displeased
because of their constant complaining about what they had
if you think about what God had done
God had given them water from a rock (Ex. 17)
He had given a manna from heaven (Ex. 16)
He had done miracles
led them to the Red Sea on dry land (Ex. 14)
the Bible says that as their bodies grew their clothes grew (Dt. 8:4)
but inspite of all of the things that God had done
they were still consumed about what they didn’t have
and they complained about it constantly
and as a result God did not allow them to move into the promised land
into the next season of their lives
and so the same thing can happen to us
whenever we find ourselves ungrateful and complaining about things
actually it can end up serving to hinder us from moving forward into what God has for us
in the future
and finally
Number Five:
Humility Test
is what I’m calling the Humility Test
so there may be some things in your life that God doesn’t have for you
but then there may be some other things that God really desperately wants to do
in and through your life
and the humility test is tough
because if you’re in a relationship with somebody that you are jealous and envious of
I want to encourage you to have the humility to have a conversation with them
and actually confess that you are jealous and envious of them
and what you may find is that at first you may think that may-maybe this is going to make the relationship
awkward but it actually has the other effect
when you open up the lines of communication
actually draws you closer to that person
it can also serve as an opportunity for them to show you
why it is they may be at a certain place in their life and you may not
if you’re willing and humble enough to learn from them
so now instead of bein genvious and jealous of them
God can actually use those negative feelings to propel you
and use it as a goal or motivation for you to get to the place
that you believe God has for you in the future
so guys jealousy and envy is a very real issue
that I want to encourage us to pay very-very close attention to
so that does not destroy us
and really
and destroy our outward relationship
and so I would love to hear your thoughts what has worked well for you
how have you personally dealt with this issue leave them in the comment section below
okay thank you all so much for watching and I’ll see you next time on the deep
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7 Revelations for Overcoming Jealousy and Envy
7 Revelations for Overcoming Jealousy and Envy | Mike Moore
Jealousy is the fear of being displaced
Jealousy is feeling threatened by another
feeling threatened by another
it may be another person
it may be another thing
Third Definition:
jealousy is always triggered by a third party
now the third party party can be a person
the third party can be a situation
the third party can be an entity
the third party can be a church
now allow me to give you a definition of envy
Envy is feeling – ill will
feeling what
feeling ill will toward those who possess the thing
that we want
sometimes its their status we want
is this person’s status
sometimes it there success
sometimes it’s evnying their influence/appearance
whenever you have jealous and envy
you’re gonna have selfishness
you gonna have prideful ambition
you’re gonna have impatience
you find with your car
you find with your house
it’s a gift from God
you look out the window – your neighbor got another new car
I mean then they’re gonna call that one that’s how many years ago would they get that car
now all of a sudden your car is not good enough now
a false view of God jealousy
envy people
have a false view of God
and they have a false view of themselves
jealous and envious people are motivated by fear
the rest of the way I’m gonna give you some tips
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this is how you keep jealousy out of you
this is how we keep it out of our church
this is how we we drive out envy and drive out jealousy
you can drive it out of your families
you can drive it out of your work place
you can drive it out of the church
you can drive out your community
Number One
the key is revelation
it’s a revelation
what Number One
He Has No Favorites
that God has no respect of persons
if that revelation God is no respecter of persons – he has no favorites
Then Peter began to speak:
I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism
but accepts from every nation
the one who fears him and does what is right.
he has no favorites
Number Two
He’s El-Shaddai the God that’s more than enough!
you have to have a revelation that there’s plenty
When Abram was ninety-nine years old,
the Lord appeared to him and said,
“I am God Almighty;
walk before me faithfully and be blameless.
He’s El-Shaddai the God that’s more than enough!
Number Three you need a revelation
That There’s a Place For You
there’s a place for you 1 Corinthians 12:18 says
But in fact God has placed the parts in the body,
everyone of them anybody
every one of them,
just as he wanted them to be.
God has set the members
every one of them in the body as it pleased him
you in there come on say
I’m in their
Fourth revelation
God Love Diversity
that you need is that God love diversity
he likes all kinds of stuff
and see now
when I look at Ministers
I don’t feel no jealous
I like wow that boy dan boy is bad I dare me
did you see how he took that
I’m like what because you know as he mature
you see his diversity
see he’s gracious
different people to do different things
that’s why they’re different races
because God like the person
like black
he wanted everybody be black
so he made some white folk and he won’t everybody be white folks
so he made some Hispanic folks
then he made some red folks and some yellow folks some brown folks
God loves that and that’s why you see
different annointing on singles
differnnt anointings on preachers
different people do it
just different cuz God loves diversity and that’s biblical that’s Romans 12:6
We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.
If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith;
Number Five
God Attitude is to be Inclusive
the you need a revelation of God attitude is to be inclusive
Number Six
Your Uniqueness is a Gift
a revelation that your uniqueness is a gift of humanity
God made you with different fingerprints
different DNA nobody does it like you and your uniqueness is your gift to humanity
here’s the
Final Revelation you need
you need to choose to be inspired rather than intimidated
see normally were you gonna see something going on
if its some you want or something you need
or something you’d like to have
you got a choice now
you can choose to be intimidated
you can choose to be inspired
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Battling Envy
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Jeanne writes in to ask Pastor John
how do I handle the envy and jealousy that are eating away at me
so envy and jealousy are two distinct topics here on the table
perhaps we can break this into two podcasts and address jealousy next time
so Pastor John start with envy
what would you say to Jean
it’s not wrong to want something that you don’t have
we usually think of Envy that way
I would
I want that something that that person has in fact
we wouldn’t even pray if we didn’t want things we didn’t have
that’s what prayer is in fact
I would say all of life is either
Thanksgiving for what God has given us
or aspiration for something that might be good for us
so the question is what makes Envy evil
what makes the one thing of something evil
Do not fret because of evildoers
or be envious of the wicked,
seems like people were looking at those who were prospering in their wrongdoing
they had things and and they were feeling envious of it
A heart at peace gives life to the body,
but envy rots the bones.
for he knew that it was out of envy
that they had delivered Jesus up
so Envy is a horrible thing
it resulted in the killing of the Son of God
that was a motive behind the destruction of-of Jesus
or Romans 1:29
since they did not approve to have God in their knowledge
God gave them up to a debased mind
they were filled with
samething in 1st Peter 2:1
Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy and slander of every kind.
so clearly this is a good question
that we don’t want to be eaten up by something that crucified the Son of God
and that is all tied up with hypocrisy and deceit and slander and evil
so when I try to get at what the essence of it is
and how to handle it
it seems to me that those texts have some clues in them it seems to be born
Envy seems to be born of a restless heart
that does not find God satisfying so
we were craving and we’re yearning
when we’re taking toward what somebody else has because God Himself is not satisfying our soul
so envy is a wanting something
some gift or some ability
or some looks
some something that somebody else has wit-with one of two feelings
that make it bad either resentment
that they have it and you don’t
and so your heart is irritated not just that you want it
but that they have it and you don’t
and that’s loveless
when we’re
when we’re upset that somebody else has something and we don’t have it
and it makes us irritated and angry
we know that lovelessness has gripped our our soul
or a discontent
now just resentment
that they have it but a discontent and her own soul
that makes us distrustful of God or angry at God
why didn’t you give me that
why did they have it and I don’t
why did you withhold this for me
I know Tony in my in my teenage years the fact that I couldn’t talk in front of a group
came the closest to make me envious
I’d see these people who could
who could speak so easily in front of groups
and I couldn’t
or to this very day the fact that I read so slowly
I have to constantly go back to God and say
Lord I could accomplish so much more I think
if you had just given me the ability to read as fast as Tony Ranky could read
no-don’t start
and it really did you
you really have to revisit these things over and over again and
and lay down lay them down
and say God I trust you
you are good
so I think at bottom the remedy is
not that I am speaking of being in the difficult from
Philippians 4
I have learned and whatever situation I am to be content
I know how to be brought low
I know how to abound in any and every circumstance
I’ve learned the secret of facing plenty
so there you’ve got enough or hunger now you could start feeling envious
they have more I want more
I don’t have enough they have plenty and Paul says there’s
A Secret Of Trust In The Goodness Of God
that enables you to feel contentment in
in all that you have
so I think the key is trust him
with what he has given us
and only ask for things that would honor him more
and then be content with what-what God gives us
alright thank you Pastor John
and thank you for listening to this podcast
email your questions to us at ask PastorJohn a desiring God org
and you can visit us online
that desire and got that org
defined thousands o fother free ebooks articles sermons andother resources from John Piper
I’m hostTony Reinke thanks for listeningyou
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Battling Jealousy
Last time Jeanne had written in to ask Pastor John
how do I handle the Envy and Jealousy
that are eating away at me and in last podcast an episode 151
you address the Envy side and he wanted to address them individually
so now Pastor John addressed the Jealousy category
I wanted to break Jealousy and Envy up because –
Jealousy – it I think is significantly different
Jealousy is an Anger
because someone else is getting affections
that I believe belong to me
and that’s not always wrong
it’s not wrong to be angry at a wife or a husband who are giving their marital affections to another
when they’re married to you
we know it’s not wrong
because God is called a Jealous God in Exodus 20
you shall have no other gods before me
you shall not bow down to them or
serve them for I the Lord your God am a Jealous God
in other words your allegiance
your love
your worship belongs to me
don’t give it to anybody else
if you give it to somebody else I get angry
because I’m a Jealous God
I want all of your love
all of your worship
your Allegiance
your affections for me
and that’s a beautiful thing of God to do
because He is infinitely worthy of those Allegiance and affections
and therefore it is a loving thing of God to be a Jealous God
and and for us
we want to find a way to distinguish between sinful jealousy and loving jealousy
so what’s what’s the difference
what’s the sin of jealousy that that this person who asked this question evidently is feeling eaten up by
the first thing that’s a
I could think of three things that make a desire for someone’s affection sinful
is when there’s no ground for feeling jealousy
in other words they really aren’t giving their affections away in any in ordinate or inappropriate way
and you shouldn’t be feeling the craving for their unique affections the way you are
I think
I’ve seen mothers for example jealous of their sons affections when they find a girl
and on that
start falling over the girl and mom used to be so central in this little boys affections
and now there’s this girl
who’s come into his life and this mother doesn’t have the maturity to let go
those affections that have to be now given mainly to this woman rather than
to hurt that that would be a sinful jealousy
if if this mother was angry at this son
because she shouldn’t be angry because those affections that he is giving to this young woman are not
the mothers they don’t belong to her she should let them go
she should be thankful that they’re happening that’s the first one
The Second One
is when the anger is all out of proportion to the degree of the issue a husband might-might
spend some time reading or watching television or going bowling with his friends and-and
this wife might not have the security to feel okay about her husband doing some other things
besides focusing all of his attention on-on her
and so that would be a sinful jealousy
as if she got all excessively bent out of shape
it’s okay for her to you know
talk to him about his schedule
and try to work out whatever seems appropriate
but there are kinds of jealousy that are out of proportion to the degree of the offense
if it is an offense at all and-and
The Third One
I could think of the third thing that makes jealousy sin
would be when it’s flowing from a lack of trust in God to meet your needs
to intervene where it’s needed
in other words you see something happening
where in fact maybe there is a real breach of trust and you’re legitimately feeling jealous
but that jealousy which begins as something right
can-can move over into something wrong
when in fact you don’t trust God with it
so the real battle I think has to be fought at the level of trusting God
James- James 3
if you have bitter jealousy in your hearts
don’t boast and be false to the truth
this-this is not the wisdom that comes down from above
in other words James is saying your jealousy is owing to the fact that you’re not
you’re not getting this from heaven
this is not of the Holy Spirit
this is not born of faith
this is coming from something deemed demon likened
and ugly so we need to kill
I would say kill sinful jealousy with Godly jealousy
Godly jealousy says I am jealous that God get all my affections of love and trust
and not be given away to anybody else and if God has them then my heart will be steadied
and I will not crave the attention that I’m sinfully craving in my jealousy of others
so I think really at them
at the root being eaten up with a sinful jealousy
is probably owing to a failure to be jealous enough for God getting all my affections
and all my trust
and all my allegiance
so that I can be stable and strong and restful in him
thank you
Pastor John and thank you for listening to this podcast
emai-lyour questions to us at ask Pastor John
at desiring God org
you can visit us online at desiring God at org
to find thousands of free ebooks articles sermons and other resources from John Piper
I’m your host Tony Ranky
thanks for listening
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Anger is cruel and fury overwhelming,
but who can stand before jealousy?
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The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery;
idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord,
fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy;
drunkenness, orgies, and the like.
I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this
will not inherit the kingdom of God.
But the fruit of the Spirit is
love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Against such things there is no law.
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Good kind of Jealousy
I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy.
I promised you to one husband, to Christ,
so that I might present you as a pure virgin to him.
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You are still worldly.
For since there is jealousy and quarreling among you,
are you not worldly?
Are you not acting like mere humans?
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