Welcome, the list below is “ONLY,” introducing these topics to you.
There are a number og teachings with Questions and Answers which were provided by a gifted College Professor. A long time friend of mine, who has passed, and gone on to be with our Lord. – As you will see, he was also a gifted Bible Teacher.
The Youtube teachings have the transcription following each Video, in case you would prefer reading and also in case you are in locations where Youtube is not working for whatever reasons. Again. these teachings are only introducing you to each topic.
It is my hope that first you invite our precious Holy Spirit to lead you to focus and pray into THE ONE’S He is highlighting you towards. Please this is not about acquiring knowledge, its about having a conversation with your God and what and how He desires to set you free from any of these issues. Again, this material is just getting you started in addressing what might be in your heart. Praying about an issue, yes, most definitely! Yet, there is a possibility you may be led to open up and share with a trusted friend.
By the way – this list is in no way complete.
It’s the ability to be confronted about your own behavior, own it, apologize, learn from it, and behave differently, as a result of being corrected.
Wisdom is an essential trait apart from intelligence.
Jim Orred
Blessings and Success!
Your Brother in Christ.