Questions For Stronghold Teaching  (part – 1)

1) Fill in the blanks for the negative scriptural definition for Strongholds.

A ______________________ that accepts as ____________________________________________    

that are ____________________________________________________ to God’s will and scripture.

2) What is the simplest way that we can define what a “Stronghold” within us is: _________________


3) Who are the lies most often about when there is a stronghold within us? _____________________


4) What does Neal Anderson say that lies do to us if we believe them? ________________________


5) According to Bill Johnson, what do all lies produce? _____________________________________

6) When will power is up against a hungry and longing heart, which will win out every time? 


7) So the person who has a stronghold(s) in their life what kind of a wall surrounds their heart?


8) If there is a war going on inside of us, according to Romans 8:5 what are the two opposing sides?


9) If we keep Sinning – Repenting – Sinning – Repenting – Sinning – Repenting,  what does James   

     call us?________________________________________________________________________

10) Who does God hold ultimately responsible for all that goes on within your soul?


11) What do experts tells us what Lust will produce within our hearts?   


12) Fill in the blanks. 

The bottom line is that in the dungeons of our hearts we________________________________ 

     We don’t believe that He is a______________________________________________________

Questions For Stronghold Teaching  (part – 2)

1. Write down Peter 2:19: ____________________________________________________________________________


2. According to Patrick Carnes what are the three lies that sex addicts believe about themselves?   

         1) I’m Basically A ________________________________And____________________________________ Person.

         2) No One__________________________________________________________________________ Me As I Am.   

         3) My __________________________________________ If I’m Going To Have To___________________ Others.

3.   Fill in the Blanks:

        ___________________________________________________________________________is an issue of the heart

         _____________________________________________________________________________ is a maturity issue

         _____________________________________________________________________________ is an Idolatry issue

4.   What is the quote by Saint Augustine? _______________________________________________________________

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­       _____________________________________________________________________________________________

5.    What is the quote by Leonardo da Vinci ? ____________________________________________________________


6.    What is the quote by Benjamin Franklin?  ____________________________________________________________


7.   What is the take away from reading Matthew 5:27-30?  __________________________________________________  


8.   What is the quote by A. W. Tozer? __________________________________________________________________


9.  According to 2 Corinthians 10:4 the weapons we fight with have what? ______________________________________


10.  And these weapons can do what? __________________________________________________________________

11. In 1 Corinthians 1:17 what does the message of the cross give us access to? ________________________________  


12.  What are the two powers that any stronghold of sin cannot stand up against?

  1. ________________________________________________________________________________________
  • ________________________________________________________________________________________