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John 5:26

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Jesus, as I have come to know You, I have learned something about You as my God.


You are one part of the Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and within Your Trinity relationship You are self-sufficient.

You, Jesus are a part of this Triune Godhead, and You have no needs.


The amazing truth is that You Lord Jesus and our heavenly Father have always been in complete unity and perfect harmony with one another and with the Holy Spirit, and You have no needs of any kind.

For all of eternity You have been together, with only one exception – when You hung on the cross for us.    

This is a reality, my God has no need of anyone or anything to make Him complete.

He has no “hole” in Him needing to be filled.

If we could see back before the foundations of this world were laid, we would see that our Triune God was totally satisfied and fully content in their relationship with one another.

 The fact is, Jesus doesn’t need anything I can do and He doesn’t need anything I have, for He is perfect. He is complete. He is whole, Spirit, soul, mind, and glorified body.

Also, I know while Jesus was here on earth He was so fearless, so confident, so sharp in His Spirit, even to His last breath on the cross.  An attempt was made to destroy His earthly body, nevertheless His Spirit remained strong. He was alert, He was focused down to the last second on the cross.

I know that the reality is that all of this stems from His oneness with His heavenly Father. Jesus, You so intimately knew our heavenly Father and You understood Him as the Self-Sufficient One that He is and always has been.  

Yet in all this Jesus, as I have studied Your word I have come to realize that You know our Heavenly Father ever so well. You know Him better than anyone else in all of existence. You know the desire within His heart, that longing of Your Father’s, of our Father’s Heart. Also, I am learning that even before the foundations of the world were laid, You — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — all have had the same desire within each of Your hearts.

 Yes, my Self-Sufficient God who has no needs, who is perfectly — perfect and completely — complete and wholly — whole has a desire. It’s not a need, but a desire. A desire and a longing within His heart.

 He wants an active, vibrant, abundant, intimate relationship with me, with all of us.

 The Creator of the universe desires me, desires us. The Eternal God is calling me, calling us into His inner courts right now, this minute, and He wants us to remain close to Him throughout eternity. 

He wants us to experience that same intimacy that Jesus experienced with Him while He was here on earth. Right now. Yet He saw there were obstacles in the way; obstacles that no man could remove. Amazingly our Triune God saw that it would require that He Himself would need to remove these obstacles, these barriers between Him and us. What was needed was Jesus going to and dying on the cross. This was the only way these obstacles could be removed.

And you know what, my Lord, our Lord Jesus did it.

He went to and died on that cross because of my sin, because of your sin, so that the barriers could be removed. This is important, this is just one of the reasons Jesus died upon the Cross.

Now today,nothing is between our wonderful, our amazing, Self-Sufficient God and us in our relationship with Him. Now He’s waiting for me, for us, to turn to Him, to run to Him, to be with Him, now and for all eternity.

What direction do we run in? We run towards Jesus, we always run towards His cross. It is at the cross, that we first bow towards our King of kings – our Lord of lords. Towards the Lamb of God who took away the sins of the world — this is the only path, the only way to our heavenly Father.

We see this ever so beautifully in the story of the Prodigal Son, don’t we.

Our God doesn’t need us – He “desires” us. He doesn’t need us – He “longs” for us. Because He “loves” us.

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