1 Chronicles 28:9

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Our God Is Omniscient.

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Which means:

Our God has complete knowledge and understanding.

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First – of Himself.

Second – He, being Creator of all, has complete knowledge and understanding from the stars throughout the universe to even the birds in the trees.

Psalms 147:4

Matthew 10:29

Third – (which is of utmost interest to each of us) — He perfectly knows all that is knowable about me and about you!

Psalm 139

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The Trinity exists in mutual love one for another and they have enjoyed an eternal friendship.

As John Gill explains:

God knows Himself in all His persons, and each person fully knows one another:

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He has complete knowledge and understanding of His universe, from all the stars in His universe — even too all the sparrows alive today.

In Psalms 147:4, King David says:

Then in Matthew 10:29, to show how involved our God is in His creation, even in the smallest details, Jesus says:

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He perfectly knows all that is knowable about me, about you! From the number of hairs on our heads, (Matthew 10:30,) to the number of days we will live (Psalm 139:16.) He also knows what is going on in our hearts and minds (Jeremiah 17:9-10,) every detail about us.

King David wonderfully captures this revelation about our God in Psalm 139: 1-6:

What amazes me is that my God knows absolutely everything about me and about you, yet it is going to take us all of eternity to learn all there is to know about Him.

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