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Malachi 3:6

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Which means:

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Therefore, my God is always the same.

It says in James 1:17:

Plus in Hebrews 13:8:

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The reality is that it is impossible for our God to change, for He is perfect. Therefore, the concept of a growing or developing God is not found in the Scriptures. He is not becoming, not growing, not developing. He has never lacked any knowledge, understanding, or wisdom. Nor is He experiencing fresh insight or new revelation.


As He says:

Malachi 3:6

And whatever His attributes “were” in the past, they always will be, now and in the future.

Its like this:

Was He all-wise when He laid the foundations of the universe and at that time was He all-powerful as He created the universe? — Yes!

Well, He is still all-wise and all-powerful today. For His power is inexhaustible, and He has no less wisdom today than He had then. The reality is that all His attributes are unchanging.

Concerning His Word, (the Holy Scriptures), it says in Matthew 24:35:

This means all the promises within scripture are for me, for you, today, but also all the consequences for our disobedience are still very relevant to each of us today. Yet for me, I seem to be changing all the time. One day I feel strong in the Lord, and the next day, weak in my flesh. Or even from one hour to the next, my moods can change. I’ve even had times were one moment I felt close to our Lord, and the next I was lost in sin within my heart.

I am learning to trust my Father God, to be safe with Him.

I know that:

Joshua 1:5

He is never moody or frustrated with me.

He is always available to me.

I take comfort in knowing that He is unchanging and consistently loving towards me. He has been patient with me and kind to me.

Our Identity in Christ

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Yet I have learned something new for me, something I never realized before.

As Graham Cooks says:

This means that I never know what He is going to do next!

Is He active in my life? — Yes!

Do I know who He is? — Yes! (I am always learning regarding this thought).

Do I know what He is going to do next? — No!

Therefore, I know that He is consistent in who He is, yet I can never figure out how He will do something or even what He will do next. So, I take comfort in His unchanging consistency. Yet, He always surprises me in the ways He moves in my life.

I know this, He never changes and He will always be my everlasting, eternal, unchanging Father God.

My Father God, He is Majestic!
My Lord Jesus, He is my Anchor, my Rock and He is Awesome!
My Holy Spirit, is Amazing!

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Greg Wiley, from his book

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