© 2010

John 20:29

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In the first meditation about Jesus and His cross, titled “The Most Important Event In All Of Human History,” there we highlighted  the three “waves” that Jesus faced and went through in His journey to return to His heavenly Father.

Again these three waves were:

The Garden of Gethsemane,
then the Crucifixion itself,
and His time in “Outer Darkness”

It was the saints of old who put these three “events” together and refer to them as:

“The Sufferings of Christ”


“The Passion of Christ”

But today, there is an ongoing celebration in heaven and that is because this is where Jesus is right now this very second:

Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father.

Colossians 3:1, Hebrews 1:3

Yes, all the details of the “Passion of the Christ” are greatly important and our heavenly Father wants us to be ever so familiar with them, yet always ending up celebrating the fact that Jesus is now seated at His right hand. 

Therefore, we are to revisit, to often meditate upon, the garden, the cross and His death, but we are never to stay completely there. Value, appreciate and ponder, “yes,” but always look through them to His Resurrection and Ascension.   Another way of saying it — we are never to rush pass all that encompasses the cross of Jesus, but at the same time we are not to get stuck there.

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Can we actually prioritize Jesus’ intent of, not only what He wanted to do, but also what He did accomplish in conquering each of the three phases? — Yes!

His priority, first and foremost was, His total obedience to His Heavenly Father, even His:

Hebrews 5:8

And within that, the purpose was that His Heavenly Father would be glorified. 

John 17:1-2


He desired that He, Himself would be  “lifted up.” What does scripture say?

John 12:32

Now third, and this is of the utmost importance, His love for us. For the reality is, we see Jesus unfailing and enduring love for each of us in what He went through. We cannot deny that at the garden and on the cross it was gruesome, horrible and indescribably painful, plus it was full of shame and humiliation.  But then we see the resurrection and the ascension to our Father’s right hand! And through all this our Triune God says that this is how He reveals  His love for us. His, abounding, compassionate, wonderful, priceless, unfailing love for us.  

Here are just a few scriptures, for there are many:

Remember John 3:16:

Then in Romans 5:8:

And in 1 John 4:10:

Yet at the same time, we need to see the importance that He places on each of us individually.  Intimately tied to these events is the revelation, that this is the place were we each find:

our true value, 

our worth, 

our importance, 

and  how priceless we are to Him. 

This is what we are to take away from the events that our Lord went through. 

Were we responsible for all that happened to Him, — Yes!  

Did He react in vengeance towards us? — No! 

Our God showed us His love, His mercy, and His grace even when we NEVER deserved it.

In so doing,  He let us know: 

What we are worth to Him.

How valuable we are to Him.

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This is what we are to learn from the crucifixion of Jesus.  It is the “Passion of Christ” that we see Him showing us what He was willing to pay to keep us from eternal death.  Absorb this reality, for we will be celebrating this in heaven throughout eternity.  His amazing, enduring, compassionate, unfailing love towards us and just how priceless we are to Him!  And with this foundation in place we will be able to grow into our inheritance and we will do this by focusing on the first two priories that Jesus had in experiencing all that we will learn concerning “His Passion.”

What are these?  

His obedience to His Heavenly Father and learning our own assignment in the: 

Lifting up of our Lord and Savior, our Brother Jesus!

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This is the “Shock and Awe” of our Triune God.

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