© 2010
Surely He took up our infirmities
and carried our sorrows…
…He was pierced for our transgressions,
He was crushed for our iniquities;
The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him,
and by His wounds we are healed.
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As we meditate on these verses, we see our Lord taking our transgressions and iniquities and giving us His Peace. Then we see Him take our infirmities and sorrows and in return He gives us His healing.
A. W. Tozer said the above verses this way:
It began in His suffering and it ended in our healing.
It began in His wounds and ended in our purification.
It began in His bruises and ended in our cleansing.
Once again, it was Henry Blackaby who told us that;
Jesus dying on the cross was designed to bring us healing.
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It is in studying the gospels that we see Jesus healing all the time. He never turned anyone away and everyone that experienced His healing power experienced a total healing. Even in the garden of Gethsemane, He healed the soldier’s ear which Peter had just cut off. This soldier could well have been the soldier who flogged Him, or the one who nailed Him to the cross or the one who plunged the spear into His side. Jesus didn’t care, He healed him. He even told people why He could heal them, remember.
On more than one occasion Jesus tied a persons healing to their “faith.”
Was He ever limited in performing miracles or from healing someone?
Yes, once, because of “unbelief.”
Also once,
He warned someone He had just healed – about keeping away from their past sin.
The fact is people would come to Him with every sickness possible and He would readily heal them. But His healings were not just some supernatural power that He freely moved in. His eyes were wide open. Each and every time He healed someone, He knew that one day He would
become their sin,
become their sickness,
become their disease.
Yet, He never turned anyone away. He had read the scrolls of Isaiah. He was very familiar with the above passage. He was completely aware of the statement:
…he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows,
and He fully understood the words:
Yet because of this “labor of love” that He did on our behalf,
He also saw the words
“…we are healed.”
He knew the price that He would someday pay.
That price covered all who came to Him,
those in His past,
those He was presently ministering to
all of us who are right here right now
to all in the future.
All the suffering He went through was
for our peace,
for our healing.
And He willingly paid that price because of His love for us. So we know He has provided for us to be healed and we also know that He has done everything on His part to make this happen.
Therefore, whatever the circumstance you may be in, whether the need is for physical or emotional healing, remember, that the desire you have is also the same desire that our God has for you. Never, should we say that God does not want us healed. Our God has done everything on His part for our healing. No place in scripture, does He refuse to heal someone. No where in scripture does it indicate that our God keep someone unhealed for things like character development. There could be a variety of reasons why healing’s do not come to pass – but never – never blame our God! He has done absolutely everything on His part to bring all healing to pass. One other very important point to understand concerning healing, Jesus would heal any and all who came to Him. Yet below are conditions for the believer.
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Now it is important that we learn that both Peace and Healing are very closely related to one another. And they both are available to us because of what Jesus did for us at the cross. First, we must see that it is only in abiding within our Lord’s peace that healing takes place. And this peace is only found by being in His Presence. And how do we come into His Presence? By having clean hands and a pure heart as it says in Psalm 24. Then when we are “clean” and “pure” before our God, we are ready to receive His healing.
What does it say in James 5:16?
“Therefore confess your sins to each other and
pray for each other so that you may be healed…”
The “confess your sins to each other,” as we apply this truth in our life then we are becoming clean! Then, at that time we are ready to experience the rest of that verse, which is:
“…pray for each other so that you may be healed.”
The equation is this:
Walking in the peace of God equals being clean before God
being clean before God equals being prepared to be healed by our God.
So we see Jesus at the cross, waiting for us to come there and ponder these great truths. And also, He is waiting for us to apply these truths to our lives, because as we do, we will be walking in our inheritance, and in doing this,
our God will be glorified.
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