© 2010
“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God,
“who is, and who was, and who is to come,
the Almighty.”
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My God is Eternal.
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He has no beginning and no end. He is the only uncreated being in existence.
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What this means to me is that He does not live in my realm of reality. At this point in my existence, I am still separated from the full reality of who He is. As scripture says:
…“I see through a glass darkly.”
It is Jesus who gives me comfort in saying:
“…if you have seen me you have seen the Father,”
and He is the only door into this Eternal Kingdom.
Amazingly, this separation is painted in scripture as a
“…twinkling of an eye.”
This “twinkling of an eye” separates my time realm, the place where I am right now physically, from where He is in His Eternal realm. Again, Jesus is the only door between the two places. This door always includes His Cross. Scripture also says:
He knew me before I was conceived.
How amazing! It also goes on to say:
“…I am a alien and stranger here on earth,”
someday returning to Him, living with Him in His Eternal Kingdom.
My God is:
The Alpha and the Omega,
The First and the Last.
The Beginning and the End.
It is my heart’s desire to see my Eternal God and in Matthew 5:8 it says:
…Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.”
Therefore, I choose to purify my heart. What Matthew 5:8 is saying is that as I purify my heart, I will experience Him.
My God is Eternal.
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Greg Wiley, from his book
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