© 2010
…but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son,
whom he appointed heir of all things, and
through whom he made the universe
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My God is my Creator.
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Which means:
* He made all that exists both visible and invisible,
out of nothing and for His pleasure
For by him all things were created:
things in heaven and on earth,
visible and invisible,
whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities;
all things were created by him and for him.
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But the question must be asked: Just what does this mean to me personally? Why have I been created?
The truth is, the reality is, the fact is I know I have been created to:
know Him
fall in love with Him and
serve Him,
be apart of His eternal family.
And how is this to play out in my life? I know that My God created me to be unique.
I’m one of a kind and yet I’m created in His image and likeness. This is what He wants for me, yet also to reflect His character and nature through the life I am living right now.
As my Creator God, I know He wants me to succeed in all I do. The main reason He created me is to have an intimate, active, vibrant relationship with Him.
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To what extreme was He willing to go to offer this relationship to me? The answer is – He sent Jesus to die on the cross to rescue me from my own sin. Jesus, who is the very essence of life and light! Jesus, my awesome Creator God – who not even death could put out the life and light within Him! And He created me because He wants me to be with Him throughout eternity.
And today, right now, this very second, Jesus is sitting at the right hand of our Father. And He has all power and all glory!
Why? — Because He Is Pure Light and Pure Life.
“He is the light of the world.”
…“and He is the way, the truth and the life…”
Therefore, as Adam talked and walked with his God in the cool of the evening, I continually want to make myself ready to experience talking and walking with my Creator God on an ongoing daily basis.
My God is my Creator God.
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*Greg Wiley, from his book
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