My God is Omnipresent and Immanuel.

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My God is Omnipresent.

Psalm 139:7-10

My God is Immanuel.

Matthew 1:23

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1st Omnipresent

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Which means:

This means, my God is aware of

Everywhere I go and

everything I do and

everyone I interact with.

I am learning that even when I am totally alone, locked away safely in the privacy of my own home where no one can see me, even there, I am not alone. I am always in the presence of my all present God. Yet it is in this very place of privacy that I have allowed so much hypocrisy to come to life, within my thoughts and actions.

King David, in Psalm 139 teaches me about my God, our God being Omnipresent.

David understood his Omnipresent God and embraced Him personally.

We see this in Psalm 139 in verse 7 through 12:

Here we see how David started to realize just how big his God is. Then in verse 8:

We see David looking at the “height” and “depth” of His presence. And verse 9:

Here David is also viewing the “breadth” of His presence in verse 10:

David reveals the intimacy of the personal relationship he has with his God.

Then David observes in verses 11 and 12 that he cannot escape the penetrating power of his God’s presence, for he says:

Is King David in fear of His all present God? — No!

He takes hope and comfort towards his Omnipresent God.

For he realizes that his Omnipresent God is;

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Which means:

King David learned that, in Him, he (and we) are not a failure.

We may fail time and again but our God, Immanuel, never views us as a failure.

And yet, there is a reality that if I choose to sin He will not be with me.


He separated himself from Jesus while Jesus was dying on the cross because of our sins.

Mark 15:34

Is He all present? — Yes!

But if we choose to embrace sin we are choosing also to separate ourselves from His intimate presence.

Even King David experienced this.

Remember, he killed Goliath his enemy.

What an amazing story!

What an awesome victory!

God was with him!


1 Samuel 17

But on the far other extreme, he had Uriah the Hittite murdered to cover up his sexual sin with Bathsheba.

Was God “Immanuel” during this time also? — Yes!

On what level?

Was He aware of what David was doing? — Yes!

And yet as David chose to embrace this sin, 2 Samuel 11

God removed David from His intimate presence.

What did David say in Psalm 51:11?

…Do not cast me from your presence or take Your Holy Spirit from me.

How did David correct this?

Did David sincerely repent? — Yes!
(Read Psalm 51)

Was he forgiven? — Yes!

Was David held accountable? — Yes!

Were there severe consequences for what he did? — Yes!

Did God call David a failure? — No!

As a matter of fact, as a result of David sincerely repenting, he became known as a man after God’s own heart. (Read Acts 13:22) We need to learn that we will reap consequences for our sins, but we can also take comfort in knowing that our God never views us as a failure. As I said earlier, we may fail time and again but our God “Immanuel” never views us as a failure.

Always remember this verse:

Proverbs 24:16

Our choice is,

do we want His intimate presence or our sin.

For me,

I have proven to myself that I can’t have both. 

His presence is better, more fulfilling than what I get from my sin.

Therefore as the scripture says:

Jude 1:24

I have learned that this speaks of my God who is my all-present God. He is Omnipresent,

and because I personally know Him,

I say to you that My God is

Immanuel – God with me.

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* Greg Wiley, from his book

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